Copyrightis a form of protection provided to authors of "original works of authorship," including literary, artistic or dramatic works, musical compositions and other creative works.
Copyright protects the author's original expression as contained in the work but does not usually extend to any idea, procedure, process, method, system, discovery,
name, slogan or title.
Copyright protection gives the author the exclusive right to exercise or control the following rights:
- to reproduce copies of the original work;
- to prepare derivative works or "spinoffs" that are based on the original;
- to distribute copies of the work, by sale, transfer, licensingor lending and on the Internet;
- to publicly perform or display the copyrighted work;
- to prevent the intentional modification, distortion or or mutilation of any work of the visual arts that would harm the artist's reputation or honor and to prevent the destruction of a well-recognized and protected work.
Literary works, Visual Artworks, Performing Artworks, Motion Pictures, Sound Recordings, Multimedia works and Serials.
Original expressive material contained on or within websites and software code can also be eligible for copyright registration and protection.
We register Copyrights for
Literary Works
Literary works normally includes: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, textbooks, manuscripts, cookbooks, catalogs, ad copy, speeches, musical compositions, software code and computer programs
We Protect
Visual Artworks
Visual Arts includes paintings, drawings, photographs, sculpture, maps, graphic designs, art reproductions, cartoons, unique package designs, technical drawings and architectural works
Copyrights for Performing Arts and Multimedia
Performing Arts includes musical compositions, dramatic works, scripts, choreography,
motion pictures, and other audiovisual works
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